.. include:: global.rst Motivation ========== The reason molten exists is I (`@Bogdanp`_) wanted a modern Python framework for building HTTP APIs that leveraged the support for type annotations added in recent versions of Python 3. `API Star`_ came close to what I wanted but I found certain things off-putting (such as the use of hooks instead of real middleware, lack of support for singleton components or control over component caching and others). molten's core principles are as follows: * simple and easy to understand core -- anyone should be able to read the source code and fully understand it in an afternoon. * productivity and stability -- we're going to avoid breaking changes as much as possible. * type safety -- projects using molten should be able to leverage type annotations for static type checking. molten has taken a lot of inspiration from `API Star`_ and `Rocket`_. .. _@Bogdanp: https://github.com/Bogdanp .. _API Star: https://docs.apistar.com/ .. _Rocket: https://rocket.rs/