Source code for molten.validation.schema

# This file is a part of molten.
# Copyright (C) 2018 CLEARTYPE SRL <[email protected]>
# molten is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# molten is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, get_type_hints, no_type_check

from ..errors import FieldValidationError, ValidationError
from .common import Missing, is_schema
from .field import Field

_T = TypeVar("_T")

[docs]def schema(cls: Type[_T]) -> Type[_T]: """Construct a schema from a class. Schemas are plain Python classes with automatically-generated ``__init__``, ``__eq__`` and ``__repr__`` methods. They may be used to validate requests and serialize responses. Examples: >>> @schema ... class Account: ... username: str ... password: str = Field(request_only=True) ... is_admin: bool = Field(response_only=True, default=False) >>> load_schema(Account, {}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationError: {'username': 'this field is required', 'password': 'this field is required'} >>> load_schema(Account, {"username": "example", "password": "secret"}) Account(username='example', password='secret', is_admin=False) >>> dump_schema(load_schema(Account, {"username": "example", "password": "secret"})) {'username': 'example', 'is_admin': False} Raises: RuntimeError: When the attributes are invalid. """ fields = {} for base in cls.__mro__[-1:0:-1]: base_fields = getattr(base, "_FIELDS", {}) for name, field in base_fields.items(): fields[name] = field annotations = get_type_hints(cls) found_default = False for name, annotation in annotations.items(): value = getattr(cls, name, Missing) if value is Missing: value = fields.get(name, value) if isinstance(value, Field): = name value.annotation = annotation value.request_name = value.request_name or name value.response_name = value.response_name or name fields[name] = value else: fields[name] = Field(name=name, annotation=annotation, default=value) # At this point the field instance has an annotation for sure # so it's safe to select a Validator. field = fields[name] field.select_validator() # Make sure fields without a default don't come after fields # with one. if field.has_default: found_default = True elif found_default: raise RuntimeError("attributes without a default cannot follow ones with a default") # Remove the attribute from the class definition. try: if value is not Missing: delattr(cls, name) except AttributeError: pass if not fields: raise RuntimeError(f"schema {cls.__name__} doesn't have any fields") setattr(cls, "__slots__", list(fields)) setattr(cls, "_SCHEMA", True) setattr(cls, "_FIELDS", fields) _add_init(cls, fields) _add_fn(cls, "__eq__", ["self", "other"], _EQ_FN_BODY) _add_fn(cls, "__repr__", ["self"], _REPR_FN_BODY) return cls
[docs]@no_type_check def load_schema(schema: Type[_T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> _T: """Validate the given data dictionary against a schema and instantiate the schema. Raises: ValidationError: When the input data is not valid. Parameters: schema: The schema class to validate the data against. data: Data to validate against and populate the schema with. """ if not is_schema(schema): raise TypeError(f"{schema} is not a schema") errors, params = {}, {} for field in schema._FIELDS.values(): if field.response_only: # Response-only fields without an explicit default have to # default to _something_ so we choose None. if not field.has_default: params[] = None continue try: value = data.get(field.request_name, Missing) params[] = field.validate(value) except FieldValidationError as e: errors[field.request_name] = str(e) except ValidationError as e: errors[field.request_name] = e.reasons if errors: raise ValidationError(errors) return schema(**params)
[docs]@no_type_check def dump_schema(ob: Any, *, sparse: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert a schema instance into a dictionary. Raises: TypeError: If ob is not a schema instance. Parameters: ob: An instance of a schema. sparse: If true, fields whose values are None are going to be dropped from the output. """ if not is_schema(type(ob)): raise TypeError(f"{ob} is not a schema") data = {} for field in ob._FIELDS.values(): if field.request_only: continue value = getattr(ob, if is_schema(type(value)): value = dump_schema(value, sparse=sparse) elif isinstance(value, list): value = [dump_schema(item, sparse=sparse) if is_schema(type(item)) else item for item in value] elif isinstance(value, dict): value = {name: dump_schema(item, sparse=sparse) if is_schema(type(item)) else item for name, item in value.items()} if sparse and value is None: continue data[field.response_name] = value return data
def _add_fn( cls: Type[Any], name: str, params: List[str], body: List[str], fn_globals: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fn_locals: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Construct a function and add it to a class. """ if name in cls.__dict__: return fn_globals = {"Missing": Missing, **(fn_globals or {})} fn_locals = fn_locals or {} definition = _FN_TEMPLATE.format( name=name, params=", ".join(params), body="\n ".join(body), ) exec(definition, fn_globals, fn_locals) setattr(cls, name, fn_locals[name]) def _add_init(cls: Type[Any], fields: Dict[str, Field[_T]]) -> None: """Construct and add an init function to a schema. """ fn_globals: Dict[str, Any] = {} fn_params = ["self"] fn_body = [] for field in fields.values(): if field.default is not Missing: default_name = f"_{}_default" fn_globals[default_name] = field.default fn_params.append(f"{}=Missing") fn_body.append(f"self.{} = {} if {} is not Missing else {default_name}") elif field.default_factory: factory_name = f"_{}_default_factory" fn_globals[factory_name] = field.default_factory fn_params.append(f"{}=Missing") fn_body.append(f"self.{} = {} if {} is not Missing else {factory_name}()") else: fn_params.append(f"{}") fn_body.append(f"self.{} = {}") _add_fn(cls, "__init__", fn_params, fn_body, fn_globals) _FN_TEMPLATE = """\ def {name}({params}): {body} """.rstrip() _EQ_FN_BODY = """\ try: return all(getattr(self, name) == getattr(other, name) for name in self._FIELDS) except AttributeError: return False """.rstrip().split("\n") _REPR_FN_BODY = """\ params = ', '.join(f'{name}={repr(getattr(self, name))}' for name in self._FIELDS) return f'{type(self).__name__}({params})' """.rstrip().split("\n")